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James Danter & Sons Fun Fair is a family concern which prides itself on the quality of equipment it owns, the manner in which it is presented and the way it is operated. We are one of the premier providers of Fun Fairs and Fairground Rides and Attractions in the United Kingdom. Safety is paramount and to this end most careful consideration is given to ensure that every requirement of the Health and Safety Executive is met in full.

The management structure of the firm is such that each member of the family takes responsibility for a specific ride. With each ride being in our direct care we know it is maintained and operated to the highest possible standard.

All of the family are members of the Showmen’s Guild of Great Britain and abide by all of their rigid rules and regulations taking note of all guidance and help that the Guild has to offer.

In 1997 The Fairgrounds and Amusement Parks Guidance of Safe Practice HSG`175 was published. This had been drawn up jointly by the Health and Safety Executive, the Showmen’s Guild of Great Britain and all the other organizations involved in the Fun Fair business in the United Kingdom. This document details all the appropriate measures that need to be taken by those involved in the industry to work safely and comply with the law.

Within this code there is a strict regime laid down for the testing and operating of equipment and one which we strictly abide by complying with every minute detail.

The rules by which we have to adhere are far reaching and involved. They have been designed to ensure that all rides are safe in every respect.

So that the high standards of safety set can be maintained all equipment is checked by one of a group of highly trained Independent Engineers who specialize in the testing of fairground rides. These engineers are registered by a controlling body and are recognized by the Health and Safety Executive as competent for this task.

These are the only engineers we are allowed to use under current regulations.

The checking and testing of a ride starts immediately we buy it. Even if the ride is brand new the ride is not allowed to open until it has been tested. The first thing we do is to call on one of the engineers to inspect it. This inspection is rigorous. The engineer’s first job is to complete a design review. This is done to ensure there is total compliance with the original design in all respects. They check that it is constructed as detailed on the original drawings that the types of materials used are those originally specified and that gauge and quality of any metal is what was specified. In other words they ensure that the ride is constructed to the design specification.

Having done this the ride then goes under an Initial Test which entails close examination of all the parts of the ride including the seats and all the safety devices that protects the passengers. The engineer also ensures there are full instructions for the safe running of the ride contained in the operations manual.

Once the Initial Test and the Certificate has been issued the ride can be used. However this is just the start of the safety checking. This is a continuous ongoing process.

We operate a strict and disciplined system of daily checks. These checks are completed each day before the ride opens to the public and written records kept. From these records we have developed our regular maintenance systems which are diligently followed.

Each year virtually on the anniversary of buying the ride it must undergo a Thorough Examination.

Again this examination is completed by one of the Accredited Engineers and is very stringent.

If necessary the ride is stripped down, decorative panels removed and cars taken off to ensure a close and thorough examination can take place of all components. If deemed necessary tests for metal fatigue are also done. This examination includes checking all electrics from the lights to the generator and making sure the earthing is correct. Nothing is left out.

A Certificate of Worthiness is then issued but is only valid for 12 months. So this rigorous test will have to be done again before that time is up.

As we said earlier safety and passenger comfort are paramount in the eyes of James Danter & Sons Funfairs so you will know things do not stop here.

When we go on tour we carefully check each site on which we build, completing a survey of the surface to ensure it is sound, the surrounding area and overhead to check there are no hazards present.

The member of the family in whose care the ride has been placed will oversee the build up supervising the trained staff to ensure everything is done to the book and will do the same when it is taken down to move to the next fair.

That family member will also operate the ride when it is open to the public and trained staff assist so it is run properly ensuring all the passengers have a safe and comfortable time and a very happy exciting experience.

Just as a point of interest although James Danter & Sons Funfairs are absolutely confident that the rides are maintained and operated to the highest standards possible they still carry public liability insurance to the sum of £10,000,000 on each and every one of them.

We hope you have found the a foregoing interesting and are now totally assured that when you are enjoying a ride at a James Danter & Sons Funfair you are in the safe hands of the best in the business.


The Amusement Device Inspection Procedures Scheme (ADIPS) involves a series of pre-use and in-service inspections, and applies to all fairground rides, amusement devices and inflatable devices.

ADIPS ensures that amusement devices are checked for safety before they are first used and on the periodic basis required to assess their ability to operate safely throughout their working life.

ADIPS is managed by the Amusement Device Safety Council (ADSC) which comprises all Major Industry Trade Associations and is supported by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).

Frequently Asked Questions

What Can Cause A Ride To Stop ?

You may have seen or read about modern high tech rides stopped in mid flight. Often with the head line, Ride Broke Down and Passengers Stranded!

Why do we see this more, and what causes a Ride to stop?

Rides and Attractions have evolved to offer faster and higher thrills to entertain customers. This has been made possible with modern design, technology, passenger containment and plc computer control systems linked to an array of sensors to monitor the safe operation of the ride.
This of course this has increased the complexity of the rides.

If the computer control system loses a connection from any part of the ride, or signal from one of the many sensors that monitor the whole ride, it will stop the ride in Safe Mode. A rides control system has to be 100% or will not allow the ride to work, so if a ride isnt in 100% perfect condition to ride it will not allow an operators to start the ride.

What are the types of testing done on rides ?

Visual inspection, often referred to as inspection, is a key part of testing. This requires the inspection areas to be clean and the removal of any decorative panels or lighting that may be obscuring the area. This should be part of the regular maintenance of a ride. However, there are some defects you simply cannot find without specialist equipment.

Magnetic Particle (MPI) testing,  This type of testing is used mainly on welds. A special white paint is used which has to be cleaned off immediately after testing to save ruining the paintwork.

Ultrasonic (UT) testing, This type of testing is used for checking pins and bolts

Non destructive testing (NDT)know in the business as crack testing, is the process of testing for defects without damaging the components. It is a critical part of inspection to check all structural ride parts, i.e. pins, bolts, welds and corrosion. Most rides have an annual NDT inspection as part of their DOC  (Declaration of Operational Compliance). A DOC can not be issued until all parts of the testing have been completed. Electrical, NDT and Ride test.


NDT Schedule, All rides are different, and so the extent and type of NDT to be performed will vary from ride to ride. Some will not need any, while others will need it in many areas using a number of different methods. Rides that need a NDT will have a schedule for testers to follow. This is normally supplied by the ride manufacturer, or generated by an Inspection Body during the ADIPS pre-use inspection process. The NDT schedule covers the parts to be tested, the frequency of the testing, the NDT methods to be used, and whether all items or a sample of them need to be tested. Ride NDT schedules may change over time as a result of information supplied by the manufacturer, HSE, the industry, or as a result of findings during previous inspections.

Who can carry out a NDT test?

The NDT is carried out by NDT practitioners who are qualified to perform a variety of NDT methods such as magnetic particle (MPI) or ultrasonic testing (UT). The NDT practitioner may work a inspection body or it may be a separate NDT company and registered with ADIPS.


The Danter family have used Capital Inspection, a specialist Non Destructive Testing company for many years. They specialise in non destructive testing and offering both laboratory and site services.


The UKAS accredited laboratory for radiography is comprehensively equipped to meet the NDT requirements of its customers and provides its services to industries from a wide manufacturing spectrum. Based in Colnbrook, which is within minutes of the M25, M4 and M3 motorways, the laboratory is readily accessible to and from all parts of southern England.


The site services division of the company is equipped to carry out all forms of non-destructive testing anywhere in the United Kingdom. Staffed by experienced and trained personnel, the division provides its services on a contract or day to day basis and has the backing of the laboratory quality control systems and procedures. Personnel approvals to PCN in accordance with BS EN ISO 9712

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